
  • NT2F9

    NT2F9 Ninth International Conference New Trends in FATIGUE and FRACTURE "Failures of materials and structures by fatigue and fracture" sponsored by Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Serbia Belgrade October 12-14, 2009   Aer...
  • ECCM 2010

    Introduction The European Committee on Computational Solids and Structural Mechanics (ECCSM) of ECCOMAS and The International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) announce the: IV European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM IV): S...
  • Poziv na peti sastanak Foruma DIVK

    Форум Друштва за интегритет и век конструкција V састанак Пети састанак ће се одржати у среду, 10. јуна 2009. у 17.00 на Машинском факултету, Кр...