IFMASS 8, drugi dan (day two) PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 25 June 2003 00:00

U prepodnevnom programu je održano cetiri predavanja:

1.     "Structural assessment under elastic-plastic conditions with particular reference to mechanically heterogeneous structures", Prof. Karl-Heinz Schwalbe - GKSS Forschungscentrum, Geesthacht, Germany
2.     "Fracture toughness of metal under cyclic loading", Acad. Prof. Valerij T. Troshchenko - Institute for Problems of Strength, Academy of Scences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
3.     "Interfacial cracks", Prof. Ružica Nikolic, dr Jelena Veljkovic - Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Kragujevac, S&MN
4.     "Fracture case studies – basic principles", Dr. Petar Agatonovic - Consulting and Analysis (CA), Germany

Od 13.00 do 16.00 je bila pauza za ručak.

Popodnevni program rada je obuhvatio sledeća predavanja:

5.     "Basic principles of damage mechanics", Prof. Dušan Krajcinovic, Prof. Dragoslav Šumarac - Arizona State University,Tempe, Az, USA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, S&MN
6.     "Stress analysis for structural integrity assessment", Prof. Taško Maneski - Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Belgrade