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Sunday, 23 October 2011 12:33


Centar za promociju nauke i Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija

poziva Vas na predstavljanje monografije

Pressure Equipment Integrity Assessment by Elastic-Plastic
Fracture Mechanics Methods

Ocena integriteta opreme pod pritiskom primenom
metoda elasto-plastične mehanike loma

Aleksandar Sedmak, Stojan Sedmak i Ljubica Milović

na 56. medjunarodnom beogradskom sajmu knjiga
u subotu, 29. oktobra 2011. u 16h na štandu Centra za promociju nauke
br 2210 u Hali 2a)

O knjizi govore:

Dr Vencislav Grabulov, direktor Instituta za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd
Prof. dr Dragoslav Šumarac, redovni profesor Gradjevinskog fakulteta u Beogradu i predsednik Inženjerske komore Srbije.


Podaci o monografiji

Pressure Equipment Integrity Assessment by Elastic-Plastic
Fracture Mechanics Methods

Ocena integriteta opreme pod pritiskom primenom
metoda elasto-plastične mehanike loma

Aleksandar Sedmak, Stojan Sedmak i Ljubica Milović

(izdanje na engleskom jeziku)

Izdavač: Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija (DIVK), Kraljice Marije 16, Beograd, Srbija


Prof. dr Aleksandar Sedmak, redovni profesor Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta u Beogradu
Prof. dr Stojan Sedmak, redovni profesor Mašinskog fakulteta u Beogradu
Prof. dr Ljubica Milović, redovni profesor Tehnološko-metalurškog fakulteta u Beogradu


Prof. dr Todor Adžiev, Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Skoplju, Makedonija
Prof. dr Nenad Gubeljak, Mašinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Mariboru, Slovenija.

Obrađena materija prikazana je u dva dela. U prva četiri poglavlja su razmatrani teorijske osnove, projektovanje, održavanje i opravke, uključujući propise i regulativu, potrebni za osiguranje kvaliteta koji se zahteva za integritet opreme pod pritiskom tokom radnog veka. U petom poglavlju su prikazani tipični primeri iz prakse, sa težnjom da se jednaka pažnja posveti teorijskim podlogama, projektovanju i izradi, na osnovu iskustva iz praktične primene metoda elasto-plastične mehanike loma za ocenu integriteta opreme pod pritiskom:

- Integritet konstrukcije cevovoda i ocena značaja prslina
- Procurivanje sfernih rezervoara
- Procurivanje raznorodnih zavarenih spojeva na rezervoaru za tečni ugljen dioksid
- Čvrstoća i integritet čeličnih boca i malih rezervoara
- Mikrostruktura, mehaničke osobine i prsline u zoni uticaja toplote (ZUT) zavarenih spojeva.

* * *

56th International Belgrade Book Fair

29th October, 2011, 16:00, Center of the Promotion of the Science
(Hall 2A, Booth

Promotion of the monograph

Pressure Equipment Integrity Assessment by Elastic-Plastic
Fracture Mechanics Methods

written by Aleksandar Sedmak, Stojan Sedmak and Ljubica Milović


Dr. Vjencislav Grabulov, director of the Institute for Materials Testing
Prof. Dr. Dragoslav Šumarac, Civil Construction Faculty University of Belgrade and the president of the Engineering Chamber of Serbia


Publisher: Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK)
, Kraljice Marije 16, Serbia


Prof. Dr Aleksandar Sedmak, Technological and Metalugical Faculty, University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr Stojan Sedmak,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade
Prof. Dr Ljubica Milović, Technological and Metalugical Faculty,
University of Belgrade


Prof. Dr. Todor Adžiev, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Skopje, Macedonia
Prof. Dr. Nenad Gubeljak, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Slovenia

The presented matter is divided in two parts. In first four chapters, theoretical base, design, maintenance and repair, including codes and regulations, necessary to assure the quality required for integrity of pressure equipment during service life, are considered. In the fifth chapter typical case studies are presented, striving to make a balance between theoretical background, design and manufacturing aspects, based on experience from practical application of elastic-plastic fracture mechanics methods for pressure equipment integrity assessment:

- Penstock structural integrity and crack evaluation
- Leakage of spherical storage tanks
- Leakage of dissimilar welds in storage tanks for liquefied carbon dioxide
- Strength and structural integrity of steel containers and small storage tanks
- Microstructure, mechanical properties and cracks in the heat-affected-zone (HAZ) of the weldments.