IFMASS 8, četvrti dan (fourth day) |
Written by Administrator
Monday, 30 June 2003 00:00 |
Četvrtog dana rada održana su sledeća predavanja:
1. "Fracture testing in nuclear power stations", Dr. Stefan Vodenicarov 2. "Basic fatigue conceptions and new approaches to fatigue failure", Prof. Donka Angelova 3. "In-service failure of structures: examples", Prof. Vera Šijacki-Žeravcic 4. "Meshfree methods (in numerical analysis)", Prof. Gui-Rong Liu 5. "Corrosion and stress corrosion", Acad. Dragutin Dražic, Mr. Bore Jegdic 6. "Prediction of fracture and fatigue properties of welds by simulated HAZ", Docent Vladimir Gliha 7. "Fractographic analysis", Docent Katarina Geric, Ivo Blacic