Vol.24, No.3, 2024, pp. 305–307 |
ANALYTICAL SOLUTION OF BENDING SHEET MADE OF CAST IRON/BRONZE MATERIAL Pankaj Thakur Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, ICFAI University, Himachal Pradesh, INDIA 0000-0001-8119-2697, *email: pankaj_thakur15@yahoo.co.in
Abstract This article deals with the study of stress distribution in a rectangular bending sheet made of cast iron/bronze material by using transition theory. The extension and contraction regions are presented by transition points of the differential equation in defining the deformed fields. Mathematical modelling is based on the stress-strain relation and equilibrium equation. Analytical solutions are presented for the bending sheet made of cast iron/bronze material. It has been observed that circumferential stress is maximal at the inner surface for the extension region, whereas reverse results are obtained in case of the compression region. Keywords: sheet, deformation, extension, compression, stress |
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