Vol.24, No.3, 2024, pp. 293–300 |
INTEGRITY AND LIFE IN EMERGING ARCHITECTURE - POSITIONING THE ARCHITECT IN CONTINUAL DIGITAL DESIGN Slađana Marković1*, Igor Svetel2, Vesna Mila Čolić Damjanović3 1) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, SaRa (Sustainable and Resilient Architecture) Lab, Belgrade, SERBIA S.
2) Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, SERBIA I.
3) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, SERBIA V.M.
Čolić Damjanović
Abstract Guided by questions of contemporaries, leading to the question of integrity and durability of architecture, and by conclusions from recent conferences which advance architecture through digital approaches to designing and guiding architecture towards Artificial Intelligence (AI), we need to get back to the question on how to design in the future under multi-layered complex conditions and sustainability requirements of emerging architecture. Based on this, we conclude that the topic - Integrity of Architectural Objects is yet highly relevant, and this paper represents a continuation of research/ consideration of architectural spatiality as an activity of creativity and structural durability. The sense of careful and complex structural design as an example of a continual digital approach, e.g. a multi-layered network - joint effect of design and realisation of architecture is highlighted. As digital design in architecture has proven to be elusive and occasionally uncontrollable without the meaningful participation of the architect, this paper highlights positioning of the architect as an important factor in solving integrity and durability challenges of emerging architecture. Digital approaches in architecture are constantly developed and improved, and structural integrity and durability issues are becoming increasingly complex and serious, especially in relation to geometry/space design and sustainability, so architect’s knowledge involvement is inevitable and necessary in future data-driven design processes. Positioning of the architect is based on expertise - activities and features, crucial in the process with identical characteristics, as the continuous development and improvement of knowledge, linking and anticipating all needs of the architectural process, the integrity and durability of architecture. Additionally, knowledge will be meaningfully placed and integrated by positioning of the architect in society, in a critical attitude towards new technological achievements and re-examination of integrity and life of the structure in terms of sustainability and resilience of functional and spatial features of architecture. The aim of the work is to show that knowledge as the main characteristic of the architect’s positioning in future design and realisation, is also the foundation for integrity and life in emerging architecture. Keywords: emerging architecture, continual digital design, architect’s (design) knowledge, positioning of architect/architect’s discourse, integrity and life in emerging architecture approach AI |
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