Vol.24, No.3, 2024, pp. 323–329 |
MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF CREEP TRANSITION IN STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS COMPOSED OF TITANATE CERAMICS FABRICATED AS ANNULAR ROTATING DISCS Shivdev Shahi1*, Gagandeep Kaur2 1) DCA, CCT, Chandigarh Group of Colleges, INDIA S. Shahi 0000-0002-4991-3164 *email: shivdevshahi93@gmail.com 2) UILS, Chandigarh University, INDIA G. Kaur 0000-0003-1903-5994
Abstract Analytical characterization of creep stresses and strains in annular ceramic discs experiencing high centrifugal forces is of much significance in the theory of structural components. In this paper transition theory has been incorporated to obtain these stresses and strains in ceramic discs which exhibit transversely isotropic macro structural symmetry and having a bore at the centre on which it rotates. Yield criteria from the classical theory are not assumed for the analysis. The creep transition stresses are obtained by transition theory. The analytical solution is applied on ceramic discs. Stiffness constants are obtained by ultrasonic wave propagation method. Analytical solution results are plotted graphically. It is observed that the centrifugal forces increase the magnitude of radial and circumferential stresses at the internal surface of discs. Strains are maximal at internal surface and diminish toward the outer surface. The rise in strains proportional to increasing angular speed infers to the fact that the disc will tend to fracture at the bore adjoining the inclusion when subjected to higher centrifugal forces. Keywords: creep, disc, ceramics, stresses, strains |
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