Vol.22, No.2, 2022, pp. 139–142


Radovan Petrović1*, Andrzej Banaszek2, Sergei V. Bochkarev3, Stefan Cvejić1,

Hana R. Qananah1, Khalefa A. Alnagasa1

1) University ‘Union-Nikola Tesla’, Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering, Belgrade, SERBIA

email: radovan4700@yahoo.com

2) West Pomeranian University of Technology, Marine Research and Transport Faculty, Szczecin, POLAND

3) Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Micro-processor-Based Automation Tools, Perm, RUSSIAN FED.



The use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) has obvious following advantages: production of cheap energy and cheap raw materials (natural gas methane); provides environmental energy sources; applicable in almost all sectors of the economy, making it a significant environmental factor; can be easily transported; it is applicable to different types of transportation units; requires the development of a gas pipeline and increases the lifetime of the car. Natural gas is characterised in that it is extremely cumbersome and cannot be transported across oceans in the natural state through pipelines; even where transport over long distances is technically possible, gas losses are unavoidable, as is associated with the so-called cost of disposal. In liquid form, however, natural gas is much more compact and occupies only 1/600 of its original volume. This fact coupled with the need to transport gas over long distances, literally ‘beyond the seas and oceans,’ serves as the basis of development of LNG industry. LNG is a very fast-growing industry of the world energy system. Fuel for vehicles and agricultural machines, new design cryogenic tanks, or pressure vessels, can also use this inexpensive fuel in a liquid state.

Keywords: liquefied natural gas (LNG), cryogenic tanks, transport, energy system

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