Vol.13, No1, 2013, pp.75–80
UDC  620.172.24


Suzana Polić-Radovanović1, Sanja Petronić2, Anđelka Milosavljević3

1)Central Institute for Conservation, Belgrade, Serbia

2)University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Innovation Centre, Belgrade, spetronic@mas.bg.ac.rs

3)University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia


The phenomenon of structural integrity in heritology associated with the theory of space, the theory of restoration, as well as the requirements of sustainable development and heritological view of the structural integrity of monumental works in contemporary art production includes an integrated technology - a cultural approach. In this paper, the study of these aspects in the works of British author Antony Gormley, whose monumental sculptures in different meridians, as well as artistic and technological, ecological concepts, confirm the multifaceted nature of the structural integrity and life problem in post-industrial society.

Keywords: structural integrity, heritology, Antony Gormley

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