Vol.12, No3, 2012, pp.181–184
SAF€RA – EUROPEAN PROJECT ON INDUSTRIAL SAFETY Snežana Kirin1, Aleksandar Sedmak2, Radivoje Mitrović2, Petar Stanojević3, Đorđe Ilić4 1)University of Belgrade, Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia 2)University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Serbia, asedmak@mas.bg.ac.rs 3)Omsknefttimproekt, filijala Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia 4)UUniversity of Belgrade, Ph.D. student |
Abstract Project SAF€RA is presented, a project on the coordination of European research on industrial safety. Given are the objectives, overview and the management methodology. Keywords: structural integrity, risk-based inspection, risk matrix |
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