Vol.12, No1, 2012, pp. 3-30
UDC: 620.172.24, 620.169.1, 539.42


Stojan Sedmak1, Zoran Radaković2, Ljubica Milović1, Igor Svetel3

1) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia

2) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia

3) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Innovation Centre, Belgrade, Serbia


To avoid unexpected and frequent serious failures of objects and equipment in service, and save their structural integrity, proper experimental and theoretical analyses are required, that are supported by modelling and numerical analysis. Structural failures in service have been experienced and can not be neglected. The developed procedures, based on fracture mechanics, enable to predict behaviour of a crack in a fracture process and to evaluate the safety and reliability of a structure under the applied loading in an operating environment. Regarding the significance of structural integrity, objects are classified into three groups. In the first group are objects made of stone, not sensitive to cracking, as are the preserved monuments of the ancient era. The second group includes objects prone to fracture from cracks: in this case structural integrity assessment is a requirement in order to prevent failure. In the third group are modern engineering achievements as are very large buildings (e.g. Burj Khalifa), and nano-sized objects. They both require, involving new aspects, the consideration of functionality and reliability, in addition to safety. Several examples are presented here and discussed for each group.

Keywords: structural integrity assessment, service safety, structures, repair, failure

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