Vol.4, No2, 2004, pp. 57-62
UDC 539.421:519.673


Mladen Berković

The original paper (in Serbian) appears in monograph “Introduction to Fracture Mechanics and Fracture-Safe Design,” edited by S. Sedmak, jointly published by GOŠA Institute (Smederevska Palanka) and the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (Belgrade), pp. 107-124, 1980. The monograph contains lectures from the First International Fracture Mechanics Summer School (IFMASS 1) held in Smederevska Palanaka, 1980.


The stress intensity factor is one of Fracture Mechanics’ basic parameters. In this paper its determination is considered by using the finite element method (FEM).

Furthermore, effective determination of stress intensity factors by a pack of general purpose programmes in structural mechanics SMS, developed in the Aeronautical Institute (VTI) Žarkovo, will be represented.

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