Society for Structural Integrity and Life „Prof. Dr. Stojan Sedmak“ (Društvo za integritet i vek konstrukcija „Prof. Dr. Stojan Sedmak“ shortened to DIVK according to the title in Serbian) has been established in 2001. Very active contribution to the development of fracture mechanics and its application to structural integrity and life assessment in ex-Yugoslavia, culminated by the successful organization of ECF 9 in Varna, 1992. Other important activities included ten International Fracture Mechanics Summer School (IFMASS 1 to 10), followed by published monographs, and intensive cooperation with European Group of Fracture (EGF) and later European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS). Also very important activities are publishing of the journal “Structural Integrity and Life”, and organizing of regular annual Conferences, Meetings and Seminars. DIVK has about 240 individual members, 60 of them being members of ESIS registered through DIVK, and 15 supporting members, companies and institutions.