Vol.24, No.3, 2024, pp. 368–372 |
CONTROL OF TORSION EFFECTS IN BUILDINGS WITH EXTREME TORSIONAL IRREGULARITY THROUGH THE USE OF HYSTERETIC HEATSINKS-SLB Ingrid Janet Rodas Manosalva*, José Giussepe Villanueva Alayo, José Alberto Acero Martínez The Pontifical Catholic University of PERU I.J.R. Manoslava 0000-0002-2893-7351; *email: a20194397@pucp.edu.pe J.G.V. Alayo 0000-0002-5772-6879; J.A.A. Martinez 0000-0003-4154-9510
Abstract Torsional irregularities are one of the main causes of failure in structures during seismic events, which must be considered because they can cause them to collapse. This type of irregularity is included in many seismic codes in the world. In this study, the behaviour of a 7-story building is evaluated, for which 2 types of analyses are carried out separately, one of the methods is defined by the Peruvian code-2018 (E.030-2018), and for the other it was proposed to incorporate a seismic protection system, based on SLB hysteretic heatsinks, using a modal spectral analysis and nonlinear time history. Iterations were carried out to achieve the most effective location of the devices, thus strategically proposing 3 lines of resistance with SLB heatsinks. In this way, only at certain parts of the building that are provided with the use of the devices, will energy absorption and nonlinear behaviour occur. Results of the response history show that with the incorporation of heatsinks the damping is increased, and drifts of the floors are reduced by 60 % and displacements by 70 %. It is concluded that incorporation of these devices controls the effect of extreme torsional behaviour of the structure. Keywords: seismic analysis, torsional irregularity, time-history analysis |
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