Vol.21, No.2, 2021, pp. 201–206


Miodrag Arsić1, Željko Flajs1, Aleksandar Sedmak2, Emil Veg2, Simon Sedmak3*

1) Institute for Materials Testing, Belgrade, SERBIA

2) University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, SERBIA

email: asedmak@mas.bg.ac.rs

3) Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, SERBIA

email: simon.sedmak@yahoo.com



Research is conducted on the causes of damage and the structural integrity assessment of the bucket-wheel boom welded lattice structures, before and after the repair of vital structures. Additionally, the paper describes the investigation conducted based on the results of non-destructive tests (visual-, magnetic particle-, dye penetrant-, and ultrasonic tests), results of tensometric measurements that refer to the stress-strain state, and results based on numerical calculation of stresses by finite element method, performed through the use of a 3D model in the software Radimpex Tower 6.0®. The results of tests and research performed after the repair of damaged structural welded sections show that the integrity of the lattice structure of the bucket-wheel boom is not in danger when being properly handled and when the operational procedures are being obeyed.

Keywords: bucket-wheel boom, damage, structural integrity assessment, repair

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