Vol.19, No.1, 2019, pp.37–44
UDC  629.3.015


Mohammed Faouzi Fekaouni1,2, Patrick Maspeyrot2, M. Hadj Meliani3, Abdelkader Youcefi1

1)Laboratoire ASP, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie d'Oran USTO, Oran, Algérie fekaouni_mf@yahoo.fr

2)Institut P Prime UPR 3346 CNRS Université de Poitiers ISAE-ENSMA SP2MI -Téléport 2- Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France

3)Laboratory for Theoretical Physics and Material Physics, LPTPM, Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Science, Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, Algeria


Reduction of aerodynamic drag is essential in optimizing the energy used regardless of its source and consequently to reduce emissions of pollutants. Passive structural control is simple to implement without additional energy, and it ensures the absence of electronic or sophisticated actuator. In this area very little research has been investigated and little work is done compared to active control. Among the techniques for passive structural control, shape optimization includes the addition of Transverse Separating Plates (TSP) soldered to the reduced model, positioned at the rear and arranged perpendicularly to the incident flow. The aim is to undertake a series of simulations on a reduced and simplified vehicle model (Ahmed body) placed in a channel by imposing a uniform speed of V0 = 40 m/s and a Reynolds number of Re = 2.75•106 and rear window angles of 15°, 35° and 90°. TSPs soldered to the body are positioned at the rear and arranged perpendicular to the direction of flow. We altered the plate dimensions (width and height), the different distances connecting the plate to the body, we successively analysed the size and distance of the TSP in order to optimize the embarked energy.

Keywords: automotive, aerodynamic, Ahmed body, passive structural control, flow control

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