Vol.12, No3, 2012, pp.197–200
COMPARATIVE DISPLAY OF CALCULATION AND RESULT ANALYSIS FOR PRESSURE VESSELS ACCORDING TO SERBIAN AND EUROPEAN STANDARDS – CYLINDRICAL SHELLS A. Đerić1, J. Nikolić1, N. Mitrović2, M. Balać1, A. Petrović2 1)University of Belgrade, Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, jnikolic@mas.bg.ac.rs 2)University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade |
Abstract The paper illustrates the calculation of pressure vessel cylindrical shells, according to Serbian standard SRPS M. E2.253 and according to the harmonized European standard EN 13445 that is subject to Pressure equipment directive PED 97/23. Also illustrated is a comparative analysis of calculation procedures for cylindrical shells and results for parts constructed from the same material and geometry. Presented are comparative calculations for two pressure vessel types, according to the domestic and European standard. Keywords: pressure vessel, cylindrical shell, design, standards |
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