Structural Integrity and Life

Vol. 8, No 1, 2008

Sadržaj/Contents (PDF, 185 kB)

Y. Assoul, N. Bacha, D. Semmar

Model verovatnoće piting korozije i procena zamornog veka turbinskih lopatica

Probabilistic model for pitting corrosion and fatigue life estimation of turbine blades

M. Arsić, V. Aleksić, Z. Radaković

Uticaj zaostalih napona u zavarenom spoju na otkaz rotornih bagera

The effect of residual stresses in welded joint on the failure of bucket wheel excavator

S. Maksimović, I. Ilić

Analiza čvrstoće mehaničkih spojeva vijcima kompozitnih ploča

Strength analysis of mechanically fastened joints on composite plates

I. Cvijović-Alagić, M. Rakin

Integritet biomedicinskih implanta od legura titana (prvi deo)

Integrity of biomedical implants of titanium alloys (first part)

M. Burzić

Analiza parametara prsline zavarenog spoja toplootpornog čelika

Analysis of crack parameters of welded joint of heat resistant steel

Lj. Milović

Značaj prslina u zoni uticaja toplote čelika za povišene temperature

Significance of cracks in the heat-affected-zone of steels for elevated temperature application

Vesti / News (PDF, 685 kB)