Vol.1, No1, 2001,
pp. 35-40 |
DIAGNOSYS AND REPAIRMENT OF CYLINDRICAL STORAGE TANK FOR PROPANE-BUTANE DAMAGED BY COLATERAL IMPACT Jano Kurai, Aleksandar Bređan 1 Zijah Burzić 2 Boško Aleksić 3 Aleksandar Sedmak 4 1 NIS-RNP, Služba kontrole, Pančevo 2 Vojnotehnički institut VJ, Žarkovo 3 HIP-Azotara, KKOM, Pančevo 4 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade |
Abstract In order to estimate the usability of cylindrical storage tanks after bombardment of NIS RNP it was necessary to perform non-destructive testing, both from point of view of its general condition and from point of view of location of critical zones. For a complete evaluation of the repair procedure and structural integrity, strains measured by active NDT methods were registered at certain locations during cold water pressurizing. Similar approach was applied for welding procedure qualification and storage tank repair both by using non-destructive and destructive tests. Keywords: cylindrical storage tanks, damage, repair, stress and strain state |
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